our story

Surface Union was founded by Andy with the intention of amalgamating his passion for graphic design, art, and the creation of inspirational environments. Fueled by an appreciation for art and nature, our motivation is to craft bespoke wallpapers that imbue spaces with these affections. The Surface Union studio comprises individuals with diverse backgrounds in art, photography, and graphic design, synergizing their skills to produce captivating repeats and unique non-repeating murals.

The misson of Surface Union lies in the concept of uniting exceptional papers, eco-friendly materials, and beautiful installation techniques. Our mission revolves around establishing a creative space where innovative designs seamlessly merge with sustainable principles. Our aim is to elevate beautiful surfaces to new heights while paying homage to the environment. The Surface Union team consists of passionate individuals committed to ensuring that what adorns your walls not only exudes aesthetic excellence but also aligns with ecological considerations. We thrive on collaborative engagements with our clients. Whether you envision a tailored colour palette from our catalog papers or aspire to co-create a distinctive mural, we invite you to connect with us. Your unique vision is our inspiration, and we are dedicated to assisting you in bringing it to life.


At srfc union, we always have our eye on preventing waste. We do not stock any wallpapers, and we are focused on eliminating waste at every turn. By not stocking product we eliminate the need for a large warehouse and in turn, you get custom batches with no colour mismatches and wasted product. Our print runs are Tuesday through Thursday with shipping on Friday. Depending on when your order is received we will get it on press as quickly as poss

Andy Glenn 
creative lead

Always focused on how to bring creative ideas to projects that could otherwise be mundane. I try to infuse a little play and fun in everything we do. 20 years of designing out of the box stuff for our clients has taught me a lot. I try to balance doing something creative with something that can be brought to life.

Drawing from a broad base of skills in graphic design, photography and manufacturing help me realize designs for small tech startups to the big banks. I love to bring the unexpected to a space. Be that in the overall design or some small details that allow for a bit of discovery and excitement. Moving forward I have a renewed focus on sustainability, the vinyl industry up until now has been a wasteful one, but with new materials, installation techniques and design strategies we are making it sustainable.

contact us

(647) 612 - 5175

pricing request

Here at Agency79 we are here to help clients make informed decisions about the best pattern, print type and material for their job. This can mean customizing the pattern, inks or materials. Or maybe you just want to order one of our off the shelf papers. We still like to be involved just to make sure you get exactly what you were hoping for and the right quantity. Agency79 is committed to sustainable materials and techniques; our latex ink Ecologo and Greenguard certified, is water based and produces no odours.

We’ll be sure to follow up with your request right away and be with you every step of the way :)

prefer to call or send us an email about your job ... we'd love that

(647) 612 - 5175

custom social distancing graphics

As retail and other walk in businesses prepare to open many local and provincial governments require clear signage and floor markings in response to Covid-19.

Agency79 would love to help out! We can design, print and install temporary floor, wall and window graphics with social distancing cues. Also why not let customers know you’re happy to be open again!  

drop us a line, let us give you a hand!

(647) - 612 - 5175


title of the project

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